

 人阅读 | 作者lilintao | 时间:2023-12-12 05:26

Teaching Contents: In this reading lesson, students will read a passage to lea m about Zheng He and his sevenvoyages.

Teaching Objectives:

(1) Students can grasp the key words "fleet, voyage, supply, sink" and get the m ain idea of Zheng He's sevenvoyages.

(2) Students can learn how to get inform ation from a passage through fast reading like skimming and scanning.

(3) Students can learn Zheng He's spirit of braveness and ex ploration, and realize the importance of possessingsome great spirits.

(4) Students can develop their divergent and critical thinking, and raise their awareness of seeing fa moushistorical events from different aspects after the debate.

Teaching Key and Difficult Points:

(1) Teaching key point

How to m ake students understand the reading m aterial.

(2)Teaching difficult point

How to m ake students introduce one fa mous person and use the reading skills in daily reading.

Major Steps:

Step 1 Pre-reading (3 minutes)

Use the PPT to show the history of Ming dynasty and the m ap of Zheng's routes. Then ex plain several newwords and ask students to try to paraphrase them in English, such as "Aeet" means a large group of ships and "sink"means to go down under the sur f ace of water ….

(Justification: The background kn o wledge will tell students the reason why Zheng He sailed to foreigncountries.And learning the new words can prepare them for the reading.)

Step 2 While-reading (8 minutes)

(1) Skimming: Ask students to read the passage quickly and find out the m ain idea of cach paragraph. Givestudents time to discuss with partners, and then encourage them to share their answers with the class.

Para.1—The general introduction to Zheng HePara.2—The introduction to Zheng He's fleetPara.3—The first voyagePara.4—The achievements m ade by Zheng He

(2) Scanning:Ask students to read the passage again and find answers to the following questions on the PPT.

Q1:What was Zheng He most remembered for?

Q2:What were the things found on Zheng He's ship?

Q3:What were the things Zheng He brought back?

Then ask some students to show their answers.

(Justification: Skimming and scanning can help students understand the passage and kn o w the ex periences ofZheng He easily.)

Step 3 Post-reading(4 minutes)


Give students 2 minutes to prepare to retell the whole passage according to the m ain idea of each paragraph.Then invite several students to retell in front of the class.

