

既然我们提到了这个“预算”,我们就来说它的英语单词写法吧,表示“预算”的英语单词是“budget”。看到这里,那些不太了解英语词根词缀的朋友,可能都会认为这个英语单词“budget”是“bud-”和“-get”的组合呢?实际上,这个英语单词“budget”的分解是“budg-”和后缀 -et ,后者表示“小”,如:closet (小房间)、 bullet (子弹,小球)。这个英语单词“budget” 原本表示小钱包,后来泛指任何尺寸的钱包,尤其是皮质的钱包,那么,它的意思是如何从“皮包”变成“预算”的呢?就让我们看看摩西英语词源法中是怎么说budget的。

摩西英语词源法中,是这样讲budget的: Originally, a budget was a ‘pouch’. English got the word from Old French bougette, which was a diminutive form of bouge ‘leather bag’ (from which we get bulge). This came from Latin bulga, which may have been of Gaulish origin (medieval Irish bolg ‘bag’ has been compared). The word’s financial connotations arose in the 18th century, the original notion being that the government minister concerned with treasury affairs opened his budget, or wallet, to reveal what fiscal measures he had in mind.

The first reference to the expression occurs in a pamphlet called The budget opened 1733 directed against Sir Robert Walpole: ‘And how is this to be done? Why by an Alteration only of the present Method of collecting the publick Revenues … The Budget is opened; and our State Empirick hath dispensed his packets by his Zany Couriers through all parts of the Kingdom … I do not pretend to understand this Art of political Legerdemain’.
The earliest recorded use of the word non-satirically in this sense seems to be from 1764.
(翻译过来就是:刚一开始的时候,预算是一个“口袋”。英语中bougette这个词来源于古法语bougette,是“皮包”bouge的小型形式(我们从它得到了bulge)。这个词来源于拉丁语bulga,可能是高卢语的起源(中世纪爱尔兰的bolg bag被拿来比较)。这个词与金融有关的含义出现在18世纪,是负责财政事务的大臣打开他的预算(或钱包),以揭示他心中想采取的财政措施。
初次提到这个表达是在一本1733年针对罗伯特·沃波尔爵士Sir Robert Walpole的小册子《预算公开》(The budget open 1733)中:“该怎么做呢?为什么仅仅通过改变现有的收集公共收入的方法……预算公开;我们国家的经验通过他的滑稽的信使在王国的各个地方分发他的包裹……我不假装懂得这种政治骗术”。这个词初始使用是在1764年。