

 人阅读 | 作者xiaolin | 时间:2024-02-28 12:47

suppose v


①suppose (that)

I suppose (that) it will rain tomorrow.我想明天会下雨。


I don't suppose they will go camping tomorrow.我想他们明天不会去露营。

②What/when/why/...do you suppose+陈述结构

Why do you suppose he resigned?你凭什么推断他辞职了呢?

When do you suppose we should start?你认为我们该什么时候出发?

③suppose sb to be(to do sth)

I suppose my English teacher to be about 30.我想我的英语老师大约30岁。

I suppose him to have left the classroom.我猜想他已经离开教室了。

④suppose sb +n/adj

I had supposed him younger.我以为他更年轻。

He had supposed me a Chinese teacher.他以为我是语文老师。


①suppose (that)

Suppose(that) you have three days off, what would you like to do?假如你有三天假,你想做什么?

Let's suppose (that) you are admitted by a key university.假设你被一所重点大学录取了。

②suppose sb to be(to do sth)

Suppose the gentleman to be your boss.假设这位先生是你的老板。

Let's suppose you to go traveling alone.假设你一个人去旅行。

③suppose sb +n/adj

Suppose him a hero.假设他是个英雄。

Suppose the hero dead.假设英雄死了。


--Can I borrow your bike? 我能借你的自行车吗?

--I suppose so (= Yes, but I'm not happy about it) .应该可以吧。

Suppose we take a bus?要不我们乘公共汽车怎么样?

4.be supposed to be / to do


You are supposed to buy a ticket in advance.你应该提前买票。

You were supposed to be here earlier.你本应该早点到的。


I haven't been there myself, but it's supposed to be a good place to visit.我自己没去过那里,但人们普遍认为那是一个游览的好地方。

5.supposing conj 如果,假如

Supposing (that) we will have three days off, what would you do most?假如我们放三天假,你最想做什么?

