
每日一词之 admit

 人阅读 | 作者yiyi | 时间:2023-12-15 03:05


1.to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly. (勉强)承认vt.

跟名词或代词: He admitted his mistake/guilt. (认罪)

跟从句: He admitted (that) he had made a mistake.

跟动名词:He admitted making a mistake.

跟复合结构:You must admit the task to be difficult.

2.to allow someone to enter a place. 允许进入,使能进入 vt.

Each ticket admits one guest.(一张票只允许一个客人)

You were admitted to my room for a few minutes.

3. to allow sb to become a member of a club, a school, or an organization 准许…加入(俱乐部、组织);或接收(入学)vt.

I am pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to the university this year.

China was admitted to WTO in 2001.

4.to allow sb to enter a hospital because they need medical care. 接收入院vt.

Boris Johnson has been admitted to hospital due to coronavirus after suffering 10 days of symptoms including a high fever.

5.容纳得下 vt.

The theatre only admits 1000 persons.


The fact admit no other explanation.(事实不容许任何解释)

The regulations admit of no exception. (制度不容许任何例外)

