

 人阅读 | 作者pangding | 时间:2023-11-12 00:09

“Climate emergency(气候紧急状态)”击败“气候危机”、“全球变热”、“否认气候变化”等热门词汇,当选《牛津词典》2019年度词汇。毫无疑问,“气候”是2019年最受关注的话题。

Photo by Li-An Lim on Unsplash


剑桥词典2019年度词汇出炉 “升级回收”体现环保关切

Oxford Dictionaries has declared “climate emergency” the word of the year for 2019, following a hundred-fold increase in usage that it says demonstrated a “greater immediacy” in the way we talk about the climate.


Defined as “a situation in which urgent action is required to reduce or halt climate change and avoid potentially irreversible environmental damage resulting from it”, Oxford said the words soared from “relative obscurity” to “one of the most prominent – and prominently debated – terms of 2019.”


According to the dictionary’s data, usage of “climate emergency” soared 10,796%.


Oxford said the choice was reflective, not just of the rise in climate awareness, but the focus specifically on the language we use to discuss it. The rise of “climate emergency” reflected a conscious push towards language of immediacy and urgency, the dictionary said.


In 2019, “climate” became the most common word associated with “emergency”, three times more than “health emergency” in second.


In May, the Guardianupdated its style guide to clarify that “climate emergency” or “global heating” would be favoured over “climate change” or “global warming” – to better reflect the scientific consensus that this was “a catastrophe for humanity”.


Hundreds of cities, towns and even countries have also declared “climate emergencies” during 2019 – from Scotland, the UK, Canada, France and the city of Sydney in Australia.


"In 2018, climate did not feature in the top words typically used to modify emergency, instead the top types of emergencies people wrote about were health, hospital, and family emergencies,” the selection panel said. "But with climate emergency, we see something new, an extension of emergency to the global level.”


"Climate emergency” beat the words “climate crisis”, “climate action”, “climate denial”, “extinction”, “flight shame”, “global heating” and “plant-based”, which were on the shortlist.


The dictionary’s word of the year is chosen to “reflect the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of the passing year” and should have “lasting potential as a term of cultural significance”.


ethos[ˈiːθɑːs]: n. 民族精神;气质;社会思潮

Previous winners of word of the year include “toxic” in 2018 and “youthquake” in 2017.





