
‘Genuine’如何发音 How to pronounce ‘GENUINE’

 人阅读 | 作者xiaofeng | 时间:2023-08-11 17:14


Hey there, it's Hadar and this is the Accent's Way. Today we are going to talk about how to pronounce the word 'genuine'.

大家好,我是 Hadar,这是 the Accent's Way 频道。今天我们要来讲讲怎么读“genuine”这个单词。

I genuinely believe it is an important word to know how to pronounce. Genuine.


Three syllables, the first one is 'JEN'. It's like my best friend Jennifer's nickname - Jen.

有三个音节,第一个是‘JEN’。听起来就像我最好的朋友 Jennifer 的昵称——Jen。

"Hey Jen, what's up?" You start with a 'J' sound then 'E' as in 'red' and then you bring the tip of the tongue up for the N - 'JEN'.


Then it's the word 'yow'. That's the middle syllable, but it sounds like the word 'you'.


JEN-yuw-yuw, JEN-yuw. And then finally in the last syllable, we have a reduced vowel /ə/, the schwa, and an 'N', N.

JEN-yuw-yuw,JEN-yuw。然后是最后一个音节,其中有一个弱化元音 /ə/,非重读音节的元音,然后就是‘N’。

But when you connect the 'yuw' and the 'N', you get something new. Can you guess what it is?


"yuw-w'n, yuw-w'n." That's right! A 'W' sound.

“yuw-w'n, yuw-w'n.”没错!是‘W’的发音。

"yuw-w'n" - "JEN-yuw-w'n". The primary stress is on the first syllable, so it's higher in pitch and longer- "JEN-yuw-w'n".


"That was a genuine gesture." A genuine gesture.

“那是个真诚的姿态。”“A genuine gesture.”

"That is a genuine tongue twister". Genuine.


Okay, if you liked this video, I'm sure you're going to love my "50 most commonly mispronounced words". If you go on my website, you can download it and get my audio and a list of the words written out phonetically.


So there is no confusion, cuz' I write English phonetically unlike everyone else writes it with these weird spelling patterns. I have no idea why but that's just how it is.


Okay, thank you so much for watching! Have a beautiful, beautiful day and I will see you next week in the next video.



