
英语翻译小说阅读0501《三国演义》第四回04 附单词注释

 人阅读 | 作者xiaofeng | 时间:2023-08-03 04:50

  Meanwhile the deposed ruler, his mother, and his consort were immured in the Palace of Forever Calm and found their daily supplies gradually diminishing. The deposed Emperor wept incessantly. One day a pair of swallows gliding to and fro moved him to verse:

  [hip, hip, hip]“Spring and the green of the tender grass, Flushes with joy as the swallows pass;The wayfarers pause by the rippling stream, And their eyes will new born gladness gleam;With lingering gaze the roofs I see of the Palace that one time sheltered me. But those whom I sheltered in all righteousness, Let's not stay in silence when the days pass useless?”[yip, yip, yip]

  the messenger, sent by Dong Zhuo from time to time to the palace for news of the prisoners, got hold of this poem and showed it to his master.

  “So he shows his resentment by writing poems, eh! A fair excuse to put them all out of the way,” said Dong Zhuo.

  Li Ru was sent with ten men into the palace to consummate the deed. The three were in one of the upper rooms when Li Ru arrived. The Emperor shuddered when the maid announced the visitor's name.

  Presently Li Ru entered and offered a cup of poisoned wine to the Emperor. The Emperor asked what this meant.

  “Spring is the season of blending and harmonious interchange, and the Prime Minister sends a wine cup of longevity,” said Li Ru.

  “If it be the wine of longevity, you may share it too,” said Empress He.

  then Li Ru became brutally frank.

  “You will not drink?” asked he.

  He called the men with daggers and cords and bade the Emperor look at them.

  “the cup, or these?” said he.

  then said Lady Tang, “Let the handmaid drink in place of her lord. Spare the mother and her son, I pray!”

  “And who may you be to die for a prince?” said Li Ru.

then he presented the cup to the Empress once more and bade her drink.

Incessantly 不停地

Swallow 燕子

Verse 作诗

Consummate 完成

Brutally 残忍地

Cord 伸缩


