

 人阅读 | 作者pangding | 时间:2023-06-21 23:59



As one of the most-watched programs in China, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala has been an integral part of the Chinese New Year rituals. From the television era to the digital age, people's expectations always run high for the event. 作为中国收视率最高的节目之一,央视春晚已成为中国新年庆典不可缺少的部分。从电视时代到数字时代,人们对春晚的期望总是很高。

Ahead of this year's gala, here are some trivia about the biggest television event in China, and also the world. 春晚是中国,也是全世界最盛大的电视节目,在今年晚会开始前,有一些关于春晚的冷知识了解一下。

Why CCTV Spring Festival Gala is important? 为什么央视春晚很重要?

The keyword in the Chinese New Year is "Hejiatuanyuan (family reunion)". Having a big family dinner with relatives on the eve is a must for New Year celebrations for almost every family. The annual Spring Festival Gala usually lasts over four hours, just in time when the Chinese people gather to have their festive dinner. Featuring musicals, dances, comic skits and dramas, the gala is aimed at entertaining viewers of all ages. 春节的关键词是“合家团圆”。几乎每个家庭都一定会在除夕夜和亲戚们一起吃一顿丰盛的家庭晚餐。每年的春晚通常持续四个多小时,正好是中国人聚在一起享受节日晚餐的时间。春晚以歌舞、喜剧小品和戏曲为主,旨在娱乐各个年龄段的观众。

Other fun facts you may not know: 关于春晚,你可能不知道的其他趣料:

The first CCTV Spring Festival Gala was live broadcast via television on February 12, 1983. However, not all Chinese people owned a TV set then or had a chance to watch the show at home. The annual output of televisions was only 6.84 million and nearly 80 percent of families did not possess their own TV set, according to a Beijing Daily report. 第一届央视春晚于1983年2月12日通过电视直播。然而,当时在中国并不是人人都有电视机,或者能够在家里看春晚。据《北京日报》报道,当时电视年产量仅为684万台,近80%的家庭没有自己的电视机。


In 1983, the director of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala set four telephones backstage so viewers could ask the actors to perform the requested items. As the on-demand calls were so popular, the lines would literally be overheated, prompting staff members to stand by with a fire extinguisher. 1983年,央视春晚导演在后台设置了四部电话,这样观众就可以要求演员表演指定节目。由于点播电话大受欢迎,电话线路会过热,工作人员不得不拿着灭火器站在一旁。

[Photo provided to China Daily]

The gala traditionally concludes with the song "Can't Forget Tonight". The song has been performed for 23 times over the past 36 years. Its original performer Li Guyi has also held a record of singing the most songs during a gala. In 1983, she sang a medley of seven songs. 传统上,春晚以歌曲《难忘今宵》结尾。在过去的36年里,这首歌已经表演过23次。《难忘今宵》的原唱李谷一也保持着在一场春晚上演唱最多歌曲的纪录。1983年,她演唱了七首歌的歌曲集锦。


Cheung Ming-man was the first singer from Hong Kong to perform at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. He sang a patriotic song, "My Chinese Heart," in 1984 and won millions of hearts, especially those who were living abroad. Cheung emerged as a household name in China as a result of his performance. 张明敏是第一位在央视春晚上表演的香港歌手。1984年,他演唱了一首爱国歌曲《我的中国心》,赢得了无数人的喜爱,尤其是那些居住在海外的华人。这次表演让张明敏在中国变得家喻户晓。


The longest running performance in the history of the gala is called Time. In 2016, Yang Caiqi performed on stage for four hours until the New Year's bell rang. 春晚历史上持续时间最长的节目是《时间舞者》。2016年,杨彩旗在舞台上表演了四个小时,直到新年的钟声响起。

The live telecast of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala has gained high ratings in the past years. In 2012, the Guinness World Records recognized CCTV Spring Festival Gala as the Most Watched National Network TV Broadcast. 在过去几年里,央视春晚的电视直播收视率颇高。2012年,《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》将中央电视台春节联欢晚会列为收看人数最多的全国电视广播节目。

In 2016, a Japanese website Niconico, featuring real time comments "Bullet Screens", live broadcasted the CCTV Spring Festival Gala for the first time. After the broadcasting, about 88 percent of users cast a favorable vote. 2016年,日本网站Niconico首次直播了央视春晚,以实时评论“弹幕”为特色。直播结束后,约88%的用户投了支持票。

来源:CGTN 编辑:董静 审校:yaning


