Photo by Brannon Naito on Unsplash
“一落千丈(literally drop a thousand zhang in one fall)”,汉语成语,原形容琴声由高而低突然变化;现在表示下降得很厉害,用来形容声誉、地位或经济状况急剧下降。可以翻译为“suffer a drastic decline”,也可以用“nosedive”来表示。
自从美国入侵以来,这位总统的声誉一落千丈。Since the US invasion the president's reputation has nosedived.
由于丑闻,他的声誉一落千丈。His prestige suffered a disastrous decline because of the scandal.
父亲去世之后的家境一落千丈。His family’s financial situation has rapidly worsened since the death of his father.
Editor: Jade