你以为 interesting 指代的是“有意思”?
今天我们就来说说如何正确打开 interesting!
Leaves things hanging
为什么 interesting 用起来有点危险呢?因为如果用的语气不对,会导向比较微妙的意思。如果你用有点儿犹豫、复杂的语气说 interesting,可能会让人觉得:
Leaves things hanging. 悬而不决Something is off/wrong. 一言难尽、有猫腻如果你真的觉得对一个事物感兴趣( interested),就需要追加问题,而不是只说一个 interesting:
It begs follow-up questions. 还有下文、有更多问题Someone is an interesting character.
如果你说一个人是“interesting character”,则指这个人与众不同、经历丰富(比如说 Spencer):
He doesn't go with the flow. 他不随大流。而单纯用 interesting 向别人形容一个人的话,一般态度是比较中立的。当然,具体也要看语气,如果用的是比较微妙的语气,那么 interesting 通常指“奇怪”:
He has very interesting tastes. 他的品味很奇怪。Interesting不代表好玩、幽默。如果想形容一个人很幽默,最好直接用:
Fun person: 很会玩,在一起会很好玩的人Funny person: 很幽默的人Something is interesting.
- How was the party? 派对怎么样?- It was interesting. 很有意思(聚会上你见了很多有意思的人,聊过有意思的话题,让你有所得)。- It was fun. 吃好、喝好、玩好的聚会。用来形容书籍和电影也可以:
- How was the movie/book? 电影/书籍怎么样?- An interesting movie/book. 有意思、有意义的电影或者书籍。- A fun movie/book. 好玩的电影或者书籍。People's reaction is more interesting. 人们的反应更有意思。Replace "interesting" with...
AwesomeTerrificGreat形容你的旅途可以这么说(如果用interesting trip让人感觉你的旅途可能发生了点什么):
- How was your trip? 旅行怎么样?- It was awesome/terrific/great! 很棒!