句子1:When my parents retired last year, they traded the towering skyscrapers (very tall buildings) and noise pollution (excessive noise) of Los Angeles for the peace and quiet of a small coastal city (a city near the ocean) in southern France. They said they were tired of living in a high-rise building right next to an industrial zone. Now they live in a cozy little house on the outskirts of the city(on the outer edge of the city, not in the center).
1. towering skyscrapers:高楼大厦
2. noise pollution:噪音污染
3. coastal city:海边城市
4. southern France:法国南部
5. tired of living:不想再住....
6. high-rise building:高楼大厦
7. industrial zone:工业区
8. cozy little house:舒适的小房子
9. the outskirts of the city:郊区;城市的边缘
句子2:Life in their new town is quite different from the hectic pace (the fast and chaotic rhythm) of L.A., where the bustling streets (busy streets filled with people) are strewn with litter (filled with garbage) and you can count on spending hours in traffic jams (stopped traffic).
1. hectic pace:忙乱的节奏
2. the bustling streets:熙熙攘攘的街道
3. are strewn with litter:充满了垃圾
4. traffic jams:交通堵塞