Question 问
What is the difference between 'inclusive' and 'exclusive'?
Answer 答
'Inclusive' means "including everything" or "open to everyone; not limited to certain people" An all-inclusive resort/cruise is a resort/cruise that includes everything--the cost covers your room, meals, drinks, etc. An inclusive organization/club/company is open to everyone regardless of who they are, their social/economic status, the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, their religion, their gender identity, etc. Below are some examples of how inclusive is used in a sentence.
'Inclusive' (“包容”)意味着“包容一切”或“向所有人开放”;“一个全包的度假/邮轮是指包括一切的度假/邮轮——费用包括你的房间、餐饮、饮料等。一个包容性的组织/俱乐部/公司对所有人开放,无论他们是谁,他们的社会/经济地位,他们的皮肤颜色,他们的性取向,他们的宗教,他们的性别认同等。下面是一些如何在句子中使用'Inclusive'(包容)的例子。
He paid for an inclusive cruise so that he would not be surprised by a bill at the end of his vacation.他支付了一次全包的游轮旅行,这样他就不会在假期结束时被账单吓到。The inclusive organization wants to make sure all of its members feel welcome and respected.包容性的组织希望确保它的所有成员感到受欢迎和尊重。The company hired a consultant to help them build an inclusive workspace.公司聘请了一名顾问,帮助他们建立一个包容性的工作空间。'Exclusive' means "not shared" or "available to only a few people." Something that is exclusive will exclude certain things, people, or groups. An exclusive restaurant, hotel, or school may only be available to people who have a lot of money. Below are some examples of how exclusive is used in a sentence.
'Exclusive' (“独家”)的意思是“不共享”或“只有少数人可以使用”。排他性的意思是排斥某些事物、人或群体。高档餐厅、酒店或学校可能只对那些很有钱的人开放。下面是一些exclusive在句子中如何使用的例子。
The news station got an exclusive [=only for their news outlet, not to other news outlets] interview with the governor.这家新闻台得到了对州长的独家专访。(只对他们的新闻机构,不对其他新闻机构开放。)The store promoted an exclusive offer available only to their customers who were loyalty club members.这家商店推出了一项独家优惠,只对忠诚俱乐部会员的顾客开放。It was an exclusive party only attended by the most well-known celebrities.这是一个只有最知名的名人参加的专属派对。