答案在The Economist June 25th 2022 Leaders “Global instability --- Hungry and angry” 这篇文章末段可以找到。

The Economist June 25th 2022 Leaders

fest v.
同义词:putrefy, decay, become infected, become inflamed
2. (争论或不快的感觉)加剧,恶化
同义词:intensify, gall, smoulder, chafe
3. (食物)腐烂
同义词:rot, break down, spoil, corrupt
It's better to express your anger than let it fester inside you.

Several countries are asking for bail-outs. International financial institutions must strike a tricky balance. Saying no could spell chaos—and do lasting harm. But so could bailing out woeful governments, by entrenching bad and unsustainable policies. Bodies such as the IMF, whose negotiators arrived in Sri Lanka and Tunisia this week, should be generous but insist on reforms. They should continue to monitor carefully how their money is spent. And they should act swiftly. The longer all this anger is allowed to fester, the more likely it is to explode.