

 人阅读 | 作者lilintao | 时间:2023-12-23 15:58


◎ 作为动词,drop可用作及物动词和不及物动词。

① drop作为及物动词,意为“放弃(念头),使下(车),使落下”,

He dropped the idea of going on the holiday. 他放弃了去度假的想法。

Please drop this letter into the post-box. 请把这封信投到邮箱里。

Many trees drop their leaves in winter. 许多树木在冬季落叶。

② drop in on sb./at one's house意为“顺便拜访,到……家来”。

Please drop in at any time. 随便什么时候都请来坐坐。

She dropped in on us last Sunday. 她上星期天来看我们了。

He dropped in at my house last night. 他昨晚来访我家。

③ drop behind和fall behind均可表示“落后”。

He dropped behind in the race. 他在赛跑中落后了。

She has dropped behind the rest of the class. 她落在班上其他人后面了。


drop out意为“退出”,drop out of school意为“退学”,drop sb. a line/note意为“给某人留个言”。

④ 表示温度、价格、物体等“下降,下落,掉下”时,可用drop和fall,为不及物动词。

The temperature has dropped. 气温下降了。

The temperature has fallen.

The price of meat has fallen by 10 cents. 肉的价格下降了1角钱。

The price of meat has dropped by 10 cents.

The cup dropped out of his hand. 杯子从他手中掉了下来。

The cup fell out of his hand.

She dropped to the ground. 她摔倒在地上。

She fell to the ground.

⑤ drop可以作及物动词用,表示故意或无意“掉下”,fall则不可。

He dropped the pen on the ground.【正】


He fell the pen on the ground.【误】

⑥ drop可以表示因疲劳而倒下;fall可以表示在战斗中受伤或牺牲,drop则不可以。

He was tired and dropped into a chair. 他很累,倒在了一把椅子里。

Five soldiers fell in the battle. 有五个士兵在战斗中阵亡。

⑦ fall可用作动词和名词,表示“落下,跌落,下降”,指人或物从高处“落下”,还可以表示抽象事物由高到低的变化,意为“降临,减弱”等。


Leaves fell from the trees. 树叶从树上落下了。

Babies often fall when they are learning to walk. 幼儿学步时常会摔跤。


There was a light fall of rain yesterday. 昨天下了小雨。

He had many falls last month. 他上月摔了许多跤。


She fell asleep soon. 她不久就睡着了。

The children have fallen silent. 孩子们安静下来了。

⑧ fell是及物动词,意为“砍倒,击倒”,过去式和过去分词均为felled。

The tree was felled some days ago. 这棵树几天前被砍倒了。

He felled two men. 他击倒了两个人。


落下:fall→fell,fallen(falling leaves 飘落的树叶)

砍倒:fell→felled,felled(fell a tree 砍倒一棵树)

感觉:feel→felt,felt(feel better 感觉好一些)

