
(1) Cafeteria 食堂
The kindergarteners are eating lunch in the cafeteria.
(2) Canteen 食堂
军队食堂也叫mess hall。
The soldiers gathered in the canteen for lunch.
另外,dining hall、dinner hall、lunch hall、lunch room等说法也可以表示食堂。
(3) Dining hall 食堂;餐厅
Just a few college students were sitting around the dining hall.
购物中心里的“食堂”叫food court。
(4) Food court 美食广场
Let's meet at the food court when we're done shopping.
咱们逛完商场在美食广场见。更多吃饭相关英文英文,请查看:Having a Meal 吃饭(入选小雅和英美友人编写的《你和宝宝说英语》一书,并配有10节课程深入讲解)
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