

 人阅读 | 作者yiyi | 时间:2023-10-01 07:14

Liking & Disliking(2)


“I took an instant dislike to Sam from the moment we were introduced. Within five minutes, he was talking about his deep dislike of foreigners – without knowing that my own parents were immigrants from Argentina. He said he had nothing but contempt (only hate) for people who abandoned their own countries to come to ours, and then began making horribly racist jokes and comments. I have no idea where Sam’s blind/irrational hatred (hatred without a logical reason) of foreigners comes from, but he seems to have developed a strong aversion (developed an intense dislike) to interacting with anyone who’s the slightest bit different from him. I try to be polite, but deep down I hate him with a passion (hate him a LOT).”




1. take an instant dislike:瞬间产生了反感

2. deep dislike:深深的讨厌

3. have nothing but contempt:只有蔑视

4. blind/irrational hatred:盲目/不合理的仇恨

5. developed a strong aversion to:对...产生了强烈的厌恶

6. hate him with a passion:非常恨他;非常讨厌他

