
"obtain" 和 "attain"都可以表示

 人阅读 | 作者xiaofeng | 时间:2023-08-15 15:49

attain [attained, attained]


Attain is to reach a goal or get something you wanted or needed, usually after a lot of effort.


Joe worked so hard he attained the position of Vice President.乔工作很努力,因此获得了副总裁的职位。Yoga is one way to attain peace in life. 瑜珈是生活中获得平静的一种方法。Since he practiced diligently day and night, he could attain enough energy to heal himself and others. 由于日以继夜认真地练习,他获得了足以治疗自己以及他人的能量。

obtain [obtained,obtained]


To obtain something means to get it or come into possession of something.


If you are unable to obtain the information you require, consult your telephone directory. 如果你无法获得所需信息,请查询电话号码簿。We can obtain knowledge from Internet. 我们可以从网络中获得知识。Police obtained a warrant to search the house.警方获得搜查这所房子的搜查令。


"Attain" usually implies that there is some effort to produce a result, which is not necessarily the case of "obtain".


You practice hard to attain a driver's license. 你努力练习去获得驾照。Once you pass the exam you can obtain your license.一旦你通过考试,你就可以获得驾照。

