
双语新闻播报(November 7)

 人阅读 | 作者lilintao | 时间:2023-08-04 18:06

> Japanese scholars head to China


Motoyuki Hattori, center, professor of life sciences at Fudan University in Shanghai (Provided by Motoyuki Hattori)

Motoyuki Hattori was a promising young scholar in Japan, held a position at the nation’s most elite university and had career prospects far more solid than those of his peers.


But Hattori left Japan seven years ago for a professorship at a university in China.


Hattori, now 40, specializes in the structure and function of membrane transporters and wanted to quickly start his own laboratory.


This was possible at Fudan University in Shanghai.


“In Japan’s academic culture, it usually takes 10 years or so until post-doctorate researchers can set up their own labs after completing the so-called ‘apprenticeship’ period under professors,” he said in a recent online interview.


A number of Japanese scholars are opting to do research in China mainly because of something that most young workers want: job stability.


Hattori noted the Chinese government has increased support to regional universities to raise academic standards across the country.


“It is essential for progress in science to have large numbers of scholars and to have them in broader areas,” he said. “It is the same as a mountain. The higher a mountain is, the larger its foundation is.”


>Brain stimulation can boost memory


As our brains work by firing off electrical impulses, a team at Boston University used this in order to test whether stimuli can boost one’s memory. 我们的大脑通过发送电脉冲来工作。美国波士顿大学研究团队就利用了这一原理来提高人们的记忆力。

They asked volunteers to wear a cap filled with electrodes, then used precise electrical currents to alter their brainwaves in 20-minute sessions of brain stimulation.


These took place every day for four days, and the group's ability to remember a list of words was tested. 实验连续进行了四天,然后测试了志愿者们记忆一组单词的能力。

The results, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, showed improvements in memory lasted at least a month.


The researchers were able to boost volunteers’ long-term memory and also working memory, which is for the here and now.


The researchers are now investigating whether this technology can be used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, when brain cells have already started dying, as well as schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder.


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