
看美剧学口语 Well. I order takeout.那么,我叫外卖

 人阅读 | 作者lilintao | 时间:2023-07-19 07:02


-MIKE: Hey Susan.你好,Susan。-SUSAN: Mike!Mike!-MIKE: What’s wrong?怎么了?-SUSAN: I didn’t realize anyone was gonna be out here, I just sorta rolled outta bed. realize: 意识到 gonna(=going to): 将要 sorta: 有点 roll: 卷 outta: out of我想可能没人会在这,所以只裹了条毛毯。-MIKE: I’m sure you look fine.你看起来很好。-SUSAN: Oooh. 哦。-MIKE: Ooh, Bongo, Bongo! Shh.. Sorry, uh, he scares easy.shh: 嘘,安静一点 scare: 惊吓哦,Bongo,别叫了。对不起,呃,它很容易被吓倒。-SUSAN: No, it’s fine, I get it. get it: 理解没,没关系,知道了,-MIKE: I didn’t mean to disturb you. I’ll see you later. mean to: 打算,故意 disturb: 打扰我没想要打扰你,再见。-SUSAN: D—do you wanna have dinner with me? wanna(=want to): 想要你想和我一起吃晚饭吗?-MIKE: Just the two of us?就我们俩?-SUSAN: Heh, well, and Julie.heh: (表示惊异、质问)嗨!呃,还有Julie。Uh, it’s a thing we do when somebody new moves into the neighbourhood, we invite them over for a home-cooked meal. Sort of a tradition.neighbourhood: 邻里 invite: 邀请 invite over:请(某人)过来home-cooked meal: 家常菜 sort of: 有几分 tradition: 传统当有新邻居搬来时,我们会邀请他们来家里吃一顿晚餐,是老传统。-MIKE: You said you were a lousy cook. lousy: 差劲的 cook: 厨师我记得你说过你厨艺不精。-SUSAN: Well. I order takeout. order: 订购 takeout: 外卖那么,我叫外卖。-MIKE: Oh, you invite them over for a home-cooked meal and you order takeout. 哦,你邀请别人来家里吃饭,然后叫外卖。-SUSAN: Yeah, it’s sort of a new tradition. I’m working out the kinks. work out: 设计出, 作出 kinks: 操作指南是的,这,这是一种新的习俗。我突发奇想。-MIKE: I’ll tell you what. How ‘bout I cook? And you guys come over to my place. guy: 人 come over: 过来这样吧,我来做饭。你们来我家吃饭,怎么样?-SUSAN: Oh. Great.好极了。-MIKE: Friday night at six?星期五晚上六点?-SUSAN: I’ll be there.我会准时到的。-MIKE: Alright.好的,走吧。-SUSAN: Bye, Bongo.再见,Bongo。-SUSAN: Julie? Mike Delfino just invited us to dinner Friday night.Julie! Mike Delfino刚刚邀请了我们星期五晚上去吃晚饭。-JULIE: He did? Cool.是吗?太酷了。-SUSAN: But only I’m going.但我要一个人去。Because you’re gonna come down with something semi-serious that requires bed-rest and fluids.gonna(=going to): 将要 come down with: 染上(病) semi-: 部分的 require: 需要 bed-rest: 卧床休息 fluid: 液体【这里指输液】因为你得了比较严重的病,需要好好休息和打吊针。-NARRATOR: Julie was glad Susan was rekindling her love life. rekindle: 重新激起Julie 很高兴Susan重新开始了她的爱情生活。Of course, she was unaware of her mother’s recent track record with fire.be unaware of: 没有意识到 recent: 最近 track: 踪迹 record: 记录当然,她还不知道她妈妈纵火的劣迹。

