
每日一词∣人道主义救援 humanitarian relief

 人阅读 | 作者yiyi | 时间:2023-07-08 02:02

9月2日,国家主席习近平勉励中国红十字会第十一次全国会员代表弘扬人道、博爱、奉献精神,为红十字事业发展作出新的更大贡献。作为一个大型非政府组织,中国红十字会致力于人道主义救援,包括在发生自然灾害时提供紧急救援,向公众普及紧急救援技能,组织血液和骨髓捐献,以及帮助重症患者接受医疗救助等。President Xi Jinping called on Monday for the Red Cross Society of China and its vast membership to carry on the spirit of humanity, universal love and devotion to make greater contributions to the Red Cross cause. As a major nongovernmental organization, the society is dedicated to humanitarian relief, including providing emergency rescue in case of natural disasters, promoting emergency rescue skills among the public, organizing blood and marrow donations, and assisting in medical relief for patients with serious illnesses.






The Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) has played an important role in disaster rescue and relief, safeguarding people's health and promoting peace and progress of mankind. The organization is a bond linking the public with the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the government in the humanitarian field, and its role is highly valued. Party committees and governments at all levels should give more support to RCSC missions and help the organization tackle challenges that have emerged in its development.



国际援助international assistance

民间外交civil diplomacy

医疗直升机medical helicopter


