
高频写作单词天天学(5)  emphasis

 人阅读 | 作者xiaofeng | 时间:2023-06-14 07:02


【用法导航】emphasis后面一般使用介词on/upon,表示重视或强调什么;with emphasis表示强调,突出;它的动词时

【动词形式】emphasize /ˈemfəsaɪz/

【同义词】stress /stress/


to put emphasis on sth 强调 / 重视某事

to lay emphasis on/upon sth强调 / 重视某事

to place emphasis on/upon sth强调 / 重视某事

to put emphasis on quality rather than on quantity重质不重量


There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries. 重点已经从制造业向服务行业转移。

The emphasis is very much on learning the spoken language.重点主要放在学习口语上。

We provide all types of information, with an emphasis on legal advice.我们提供各种信息服务,尤其是法律咨询。

The examples we will look at have quite different emphases.我们将要观察的例子所强调的重点很不相同。

We put emphasis on the friendly relation between the people of all countries. 我们强调各国人民之间的友好关系。

Grant puts a special emphasis on weather in his paintings. 格兰特在他的绘画中特别注重天气。

‘I can assure you,’ she added with emphasis, ‘the figures are correct. ’“我可以向你保证,”她加重语气补充道,“这些数字是正确的。”

The emphasis is swinging away from simply finding cures for illness to ways of preventing illness in the first place. 重点正从简单地对症下药转移到先期预防的方法上来。

