

 人阅读 | 作者pangding | 时间:2023-09-10 12:39




1. 乡村振兴战略

rural revitalization strategy


译文:In my report to the 19th CPC National Congress, I summarized the rural revitalization strategy, and proposed that we must prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, featuring thriving businesses, an eco-friendly environment, social etiquette and civility, effective governance, and prosperous rural population. We need to put in place sound systems, mechanisms, and policies for promoting integrated urban-rural development, and move faster to modernize agriculture and rural areas. (from the speech at the eighth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, September 21, 2018)

2. “三农”

agriculture, rural areas and rural people

例句:新时代“三农”工作必须围绕农业农村现代化这个总目标来推进。(摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第八次集体学习时的讲话,2018年9月21日)译文:The work on agriculture, rural areas and rural people in the new era must focus on the general goal of modernizing agriculture and rural areas. (from the speech at the eighth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, September 21, 2018)

3. 处理好工农关系、城乡关系

to properly handle the relationships between industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas

例句:我国作为中国共产党领导的社会主义国家,应该有能力、有条件处理好工农关系、城乡关系,顺利推进我国社会主义现代化进程。(摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第八次集体学习时的讲话,2018年9月21日)译文:As a socialist country under the CPC’s leadership, China should have the capacity and resources to properly handle the relationships between industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas, and steadily steer socialist modernization. (from the speech at the eighth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, September 21, 2018)

4. 工业反哺农业、城市支持农村

to support agriculture with industry, and rural areas with urban development

例句:党的十八大以来,我们下决心调整工农关系、城乡关系,采取了一系列举措推动“工业反哺农业、城市支持农村”。(摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第八次集体学习时的讲话,2018年9月21日)译文:Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, we have made up our mind to adjust the two relationships, and have taken a series of measures to support agriculture with industry, and rural areas with urban development. (from the speech at the eighth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, September 21, 2018)

5. 城乡融合发展

integrated urban-rural development

例句:要把乡村振兴战略这篇大文章做好,必须走城乡融合发展之路。(摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第八次集体学习时的讲话,2018年9月21日)译文:We must pursue integrated urban-rural development for the rural revitalization strategy to be successful. (from the speech at the eighth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, September 21, 2018)

6. 新一轮农村改革

a new round of rural reform

例句:要进一步解放思想,推进新一轮农村改革,从农业农村发展深层次矛盾出发,聚焦农民和土地的关系、农民和集体的关系、农民和市民的关系,推进农村产权明晰化、农村要素市场化、农业支持高效化、乡村治理现代化,提高组织化程度,激活乡村振兴内生动力。(摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第八次集体学习时的讲话,2018年9月21日)译文:We need to further free our minds and promote a new round of rural reform, beginning with the deep-seated problems in agriculture and rural development and focusing on the relationship between farmers and the land, between farmers and collectives, and between rural and urban residents. We need to define rural ownership more clearly, promote market-oriented allocation of rural resources, lend more effective support to agriculture, and modernize rural governance. We need to better organize ourselves and activate endogenous drivers of rural revitalization. (from the speech at the eighth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, September 21, 2018)


要坚持尽力而为、量力而行,不能超越发展阶段,不能提脱离实际的目标,更不能搞形式主义和“形象工程”。We must do the best we can. We should never extend our reach beyond our stage of development or set unrealistic goals, nor should we favor form over substance or indulge in showcase projects.


