加州教材是由 Macmillan 和 McGraw - Hill 美国两大教育巨头出版公司共同出版的教科书。它是美国加州教育系统用于课堂教学的主要课本。这套教材有三个部分,分别是文学Treasure、数学Math和科学Science,分别对应国内的语文、数学、自然。到了高年级还有地理和历史,此外还有艺术。
这套教材由两大教育巨头出版公司共同出版,里面精选了很多非常经典的绘本和各种阅读资源。由儿童教育专家精心挑选并编排了循序渐进的主题和相关的学习内容。每一个年级所选用的资源都是根据这个年龄段孩子的心智和阅读水平安排的,构架合理, 印制精美,内容丰富多彩。
Illustrated Dictionary of Maths
Oxford First Illustrated Maths Dictionary
First Illustrated Maths Dictionary
This engaging, exciting introduction to early math concepts will be a sure-fire hit with young children. They can go on a Geometric Shape Hunt, measure with Pompoms, or find the Missing Numbers—just a few of the fun, simple activities you’ll find in Math in Minutes.
The activities progress in difficulty within each chapter. Some activities offer a way to “Take It Up a Level” for children who want a challenge. Organized by math concept, each of the activities relates to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards and uses easy-to-find materials available in any classroom. Because assessment has become so important in education, each activity begins with “Math Objectives that Meet Standards” to help teachers meet the specific standards set by their state. The book’s unique tips and insights from an experienced teacher will help new and veteran teachers alike.
Sharon MacDonald has been training teachers for over fifteen years. She is a frequent keynote speaker and workshop presenter at early childhood conferences. This is her fifth book with Gryphon House. Her other titles include Sanity Savers for Early Childhood Teachers; Squish, Sort, Paint, and Build; Block Play; and Everyday Discoveries. Sharon lives in San Antonio, Texas.