scrimp 英 [skrɪmp] 美 [skrɪmp] vt. 节省;过度缩减;克扣 vi. 精打细算;吝啬 adj. 吝啬的;不足的
考点1: vi.节俭: to avoid unnecessary waste or expense
■e.g. They had to scrimp and save for years in order to be able to afford a house.他们不得不节俭度曰才能攒够钱买房。
■同: conserve, economize, husband, pinch, save, skimp, spare
■反: dissipate, lavish, squander, waste 浪费
slack 英 [slæk] 美 [slæk] adj. 松弛的;萧条的;懈怠的;缓慢的;下流的;(尤指女子)性乱交的;(潮水)平缓的 n. (绳索的)松弛部分;富余部分;煤屑;懈怠v. 懈怠;(使)绳索松弛;懒散地工作;(熟化)石灰 adv. 松散地
考点1: adj.松弛的: not tightly fastened, tied, or stretched
■e.g. The rope is too slack. 绳子太松了。
■同: insecure, lax, loosened, relaxed, slackened, unsecured
■反: taut, tense, tight 拉紧的
考点2: adj.疏忽的,大意的: failing to give proper care and attention
■e.g. This building contractor is known mainly for his firm's slack workmanship and slipshod construction.这 个建筑承包商因其手下公司不负责任的粗糙做工和马虎建造的建筑物而闻名。
■同: careless, derelict, disregardful, lax, lazy, neglectful, neglecting, negligent, remiss
■反: attentive, careful, conscientious 专心、的;alert, heedful, mindful, observant, regardful, vigilant, wary, watchful警惕的
offish 英 ['ɒfɪʃ] 美 ['ɔfɪʃ] adj. 冷漠的;不亲热的;疏远的
考点1: adj.冷淡的: Inclined to be distant and reserved; aloof
■e.g. consistently surly and offish with the would-be suitors who came calling 对于追求者总是阴沉并且冷淡
■同: aloof, detached, distant, remote, unbending, unsociable
■反: sociable, cordial, friendly, social, warm 热情的
designate 英 [ˈdezɪɡneɪt] 美 [ˈdezɪɡneɪt] vt. 指定;指派;标出;把…定名为 adj. 指定的;选定的
考点1: v.任命: to pick (someone) by one's authority for a specific position or duty
■e.g. he has yet to designate his successor as head of the firm 他还、没有给公司选定接班人
■同: assign, commission, constitute, nominate, place
■反: discharge, dismiss, expel, fire 解雇,开除
考点2: v.命名: to give a name to
■e.g. he was designated Air Jordan by his fans他被粉丝们称为飞人乔丹
■同: denominate, dub, entitle, label, style, term, title
slur 英 [slɜːr] 美 [slɜːr] v. 含混不清地说话;连奏;诽谤;有意略过(事实);用连音线标出 n. 诽谤;吐词含糊;连奏线;污点
考点1: n.耻辱: a mark of guilt or disgrace
■e.g. Your drunken behavior at the wedding has cast a slur on this family.你在婚礼上醉酒后的行为给整个家族都带来了耻辱。
■同: blot, brand, onus, smirch, smudge, spot, stigma, taint
■反: award, credit, glory, honor 荣誉,荣耀
考点2: vt.含糊地发音: to pronounce indistinctly
■e.g. If you slur your words, the visa officer will have a hard time following you.如果你说话含糊不清,签证官就 很难听懂你的话。
■同: mumble, murmur,mutter
■反: articulate, enunciate 清楚地表达
考点3: v.疏忽,忽略: to slide or slip over without due mention, consideration, or emphasis
■e.g. This documentary slurs over certain important facts as it offers a very biased case for a conspiracy theory.这部纪录片忽略了许多重要的客观事实,而只给出了带有偏见的阴谋论解释。
■同: bypass, disregard, forget, ignore, overlook, overpass, slight
■反: attend, heed, mind留心,注意