> Friends could be key to finding fitness motivation

Social interaction could be key to kick-starting a fitness regime, US research suggests. 美国研究表明,社交对于快速启动你的健身计划十分关键。
After analyzing data, including data from the US Military Academy, scientists at Kean University recommended social activities that boosted interactions between less- and more-active people.在分析了包括西点军校在内的多个机构的数据后,美国肯恩大学的科学家指出,社交活动可以增进不太活跃和比较活跃的人之间的互动。
When the less active interacted with those who exercised regularly, they felt encouraged, the researchers found. 研究人员发现,不太活跃的人和那些定期锻炼的人交流后会受到鼓舞。
But those who were less social ended up exercising less.但是那些不太参加社交活动的人往往都不怎么锻炼。
Regular exercise has already been cited as something that improves mental health significantly, with many finding group activities helpful. 定期锻炼被认为能显著改善心理健康,而且很多人都认为集体活动有助于坚持锻炼。
There are many ways to combine socializing and exercising For example, one can walk with friends, play five-a-side and take a fitness class.有很多方式都能将社交和锻炼相结合,比如:和朋友一起散步;踢五人制足球;上健身课。
Exercising with a friend requires commitment and accountability, Andre Bates, of Barry's Bootcamp, which holds group exercise classes across the UK, says. 健身房Barry's Bootcamp的安德烈•贝茨说,和朋友一起锻炼需要决心和责任心。该健身房在英国各地开办集体健身课程。
"It's very easy not to go and exercise when you're relying on yourself - but with a friend, you can use each other for motivation to make sure you stick at what you set out to do," he says.他说:“如果你是独自健身,你爱去不去都行,但是和朋友一起的话,你们可以彼此互为动力,确保将计划坚持到底。”
Kai Hunter, 25, who lives in Cardiff, started exercising regularly six months ago - after finding motivation from his group of friends. 住在加的夫的25岁的卡伊•亨特6个月前从他的那群朋友那里获得动力之后就开始定期锻炼。
"Because I work from home, I didn't really get out much - so I started to put on weight and wanted to do something about it as it was affecting my confidence quite a lot," he told the media. 他告诉媒体说:“因为我在家办公,基本没怎么出门,于是就变胖了,对此我想做点什么,因为现在的身材很影响我的自信心。”
Kai also gained a lot of motivation by sharing his progress with friends in a group chat.卡伊还通过和朋友在群聊里分享进展获得了很多动力。
>‘Bike buses’ catch on as a cool way to commute to school

“Bike buses” — adult-led group bike rides to school — are taking over neighborhoods. “自行车巴士”,也就是由成年人带领的团体骑车上学,正在社区流行。
Many families are ditching cars for a sweatier morning ride with friends, biking miles in organized clusters led by adult volunteers. 许多家庭放弃开车,与朋友一起在清晨骑行,在成年志愿者的带领下,成群结队地骑行数英里。
The effort is a call to combat climate change, encourage exercise and reduce school drop-off traffic. 这一举措旨在呼吁应对气候变化,鼓励运动,减少学校接送车辆。
And, parents and kids both say, it just makes the children happier.而且,父母和孩子都表示,这样的通勤方式让孩子更快乐了。
Minneapolis dad Devin Olson organized a bike bus for his local school zone. Olson is the co-founder of Minneapolis Bike Parks, a grassroots organization that makes parks more bike-friendly. 住在明尼阿波利斯的爸爸德文•奥尔森为当地的学校组织了一队自行车巴士。
Olson partnered with Minneapolis Public Schools to helm a 2-mile bike bus that dropped off students at two elementary schools. 明尼阿波利斯自行车公园是一个让公园更好地接纳自行车的草根组织,奥尔森是其联合创始人。6年前,奥尔森与明尼阿波利斯公立学校合作,率领了一队两英里长的自行车巴士,接送两所小学的学生。
So far, Olson has led 11 semi-annual bike buses that have grown from about 60 participants to nearly 150.到目前为止,奥尔森已经率领了11队半年度自行车巴士,参与者从大约60人增加到近150人。
"We meet at 8 a.m. to play soccer and football and eat donuts," Olson said. "Then we review safety measures and start our ride. It's nothing but laughing, yelling and pure joy. “我们早上8点聚在一起踢足球,吃甜甜圈,”奥尔森表示,“然后我们检查安全措施,开始骑行。我们在一起就是大笑大喊,纯粹的快乐。”
"The group makes about eight stops along the way to pick up children, many of whom are accompanied by parents or older siblings.”We want kids to celebrate going to school," explained Olson, adding that the kids who participate enjoy opportunities to mingle with peers in different grades.
Bike buses are also popular in other countries, like Spain and Canada. 自行车公共汽车在其他国家也很受欢迎,比如西班牙和加拿大。
Tom Barnes and Rebecca Mudge, educators in Canada, joined a bike bus to transport their daughters Clara, 6, and Lily, 4, to school in London, Ontario. 加拿大的教育工作者汤姆•巴恩斯和丽贝卡•穆奇参加了同一队自行车巴士,把他们6岁的女儿克拉拉和4岁的女儿莉莉送到安大略省伦敦的学校。
Their children are enthusiastic about their bike bus experience. 他们的孩子对自行车巴士的体验很感兴趣。
Clara said, "I like that I get to ride with friends from school and that everyone is welcome. We have people who ride scooters too."克拉拉说:“我喜欢和学校的朋友们一起骑车,每个人都受到欢迎。我们也有人骑滑板车。”
In Portland, Oregon, Sam Balto, a physical education coach at Alameda Elementary School, says bike buses "unlocked something I wasn't prepared for". 在俄勒冈州的波特兰市,阿拉米达小学的体育教练萨姆•巴尔托说,自行车公共汽车“解锁了我从未想过会经历的体验。”
In April 2022, Balto launched a weekly bike bus for his school community, attracting 75 riders. 2022年4月,巴尔托为他的学校社区推出了每周一次的自行车巴士,吸引了75名骑行者。
This year, those rides have continued with anywhere from 150 to 190 people.今年,这些骑行队伍仍在继续,人数从150到190人不等。
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