Disturb means to bother or annoy (usually people). When you are disturbed, you get distracted (分心) from doing something but you are still able to keep doing it.
Don't disturb the baby when he is sleeping.

Disrupt means breaking into the process of something. When you are disrupted, you have to stop doing what you are doing now. “Disrupt” is more “destructive”(破坏性的) than “disturb.” It has strong negative(消极的) connotation(含意).

Interrupt means to stop somebody from doing something, but the previous actions will continue once the interruption is done. It shows neutral(中性的) connotation(含意) without happy or unhappy feeling.

The difference between disruption and interruption is that interrupt means the previous actions will continue once the interruption finished, but, a disruption usually means the previous actions cannot continue.
A poker(扑克) game can be interrupted when the phone rings, and disrupted when an angry player overturns the card table.
Bus service could be interrupted if a bus breaks down; it might be disrupted if all of the bus drivers go on strike (罢工).